Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reunited and it feels so good!!

Hi dear readers! I know it has been awhile.  An almost awkwardly too long amount of time where its really just easier to cut ties to the friendship instead of catching up on what has happened in the past three years.

But I value this friendship, so I'm not going to do that.  And since it is the Holidays, and season of cheesy Let Me Update You On My Life Letters, I thought I should join suit...

December 9, 2012

Dear Beautiful Readers,

Happy Holidays! As I sit writing this note, the snow is gently falling and the ice is melting in my 200 year old Scotch.  I hope you enjoyed the homemade picture collage of my cats included on the opposite side of this letter.

I can't believe we haven't spoken since August 2009.  So much has happened.  I still live in the same apartment, have the same job, still eat take out from Raj Mahal....hmmm.  Ok, back to that so much happening part.

I stopped writing you a few years back because I fell head over heels for a dude and stopped my First Date antics for sometime.  We've since gone our separate ways, but in the past three years I did learn a few things about relationships, life and other things:

  • That a long distance relationship will make you do crazy, stupid things like open an Amtrak rewards credit card and take regular trips to a cultural desert 4 hours south of New York.
  • That no matter who breaks up with whom, break-ups suck.
  • That donating your ex-boyfriends t-shirts and underwear he left at your apartment to the Bowery Mission Shelter and seeing a homeless man wearing them on Rivington Street is actually much more satisfying than any homicide-suicide fantasies in your head.
  • That technology has completely changed dating and I have nostalgia for the land-line days of 1997.
  • That I am extremely jealous of my friends who have Richard Scarry jobs and I'm still not exactly sure what it means to be a digital strategist. 
  • That bagels in New York are superior to those in all other cities [Sorry, not sorry, Montreal].

I'm really excited to be able to keep you posted with new First Date stories, and comment on the roller coast highs and lows of being a single lady in New York.  I hope you'll comment with your own stories as well, and let me know what it is like to be single in other cities.

You stay classy, Planet Earth.

Happy Holidays!!!

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